Insider News & Announcements

Webinar: Tuesday June 27th, 2 PM EST

Webinar: Don’t Stick a Fork in PeopleSoft Yet!

June 27th @ 2 PM EST 

Don’t Stick a Fork in PeopleSoft Yet!

Date: 6/27/2017 2:00PM EDT | Category: Online Learning | Presenter: PS WebSolution


  Have you been given a mandate to ‘Go Cloud’? Do you think PeopleSoft is just a legacy application like green screens? Well, PeopleSoft isn’t ready to go the way of the dodo bird. It’s still the Cadillac of HCM/Financial functionality. With the recent introduction of many new features and technology such as Fluid, Selective Adoption, Test Framework, Related Content Server and Cloud Manager, PeopleSoft is now the most modern and functional system available. We’ll show you why. Register

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