PS WebSolution is excited to announce the General Availability of the WorkSync module, but on the TaxSync platform.
This new module automates the maintenance of employee Tax Location code functionality in PeopleSoft with self-service and administration features.
As more and more employees begin to telecommute or work from home, companies have struggled to maintain accurate work tax functionality, especially if the remote location requires locality tax configuration. States have become more aggressive in tracking remote employees and have increased audits to ensure those employees that work in their jurisdiction are paying their share of work related taxes. WorkSync builds on the infrastructure within the TaxSync API but for work locations. This functionality will allow employees to self declare their work@home address via online employee self-service features. Once approved, the WorkSync module will determine if a new Tax Location code is required or if an existing Tax Location code can be used.
If a new Tax Location code is required, the system will automatically create and configure that code, including all the correct local tax codes necessary for that work location. The new Tax Location code is then assigned to the employees Job Data profile. WorkSync also works to maintain the correct configuration of existing Tax Location codes.
The WorkSync module takes the guess work out of creating and maintaining work Tax Location configuration in PeopleSoft, thus ensuring compliance with state and local tax requirements.
Contact PS WebSolution today to schedule a demonstration of the new WorkSync module.